5 Ways to Get Your Mojo Back

5 Ways to Keep Your Mojo during Organizational Change


What is Mojo? It is your unique way of moving through life that allows you to triumph. It’s your special sauce, your swerve, your swag, your peculiar way of being you when you’re feeling in the zone. It’s more than strategy, drive, motivation, or morale. Your mojo is yours because of a defining element that is particular to you. When you’re feeling it there’s just nothing better.  When you’ve lost it, you feel off balance and disengaged, and others around you can sense it as well. 

It’s challenging to keep your mojo, especially when your organization is undergoing significant change. Adjustments in the company’s leadership, practices, partners, services, or culture can create disruption, leaving you a bit disoriented and your passion deflated.

The good news is that you can get your Mojo back!  Here’s five surefire ways:

1. Identify the WHY of your life.

When you lose your mojo, you can find yourself in a slump, unmotivated and uninspired to do your best work. This is usually temporary and some people get it back by reminding themselves of why they are working so hard. Stare at your sleeping child every morning before you leave for work. I remember the days when  the sight of my sweet money-grubbing oatmeal muncher was the only thing that got me on my feet and out the door in the morning. 

2. Get more Information

Ambiguity can lead to anxiety so find out how the changes affect your work and exactly what you need to do or learn to meet the new challenges. Tap formal and informal resources until you feel that you are fully aware of the change process and your place in it. Learn to predict how changes in the global business environment might effect your organization and you.

3. Delegate!

Is some new tedious task stealing your mojo? If possible, delegate the task (position has its privileges), hopefully to someone who doesn’t consider it as onerous as you do. If it doesn’t make business sense to delegate it, then seek to share the responsibility. Also, you might try doing the task off the clock while you’re watching the game or getting a pedicure.

4. Change your Perspective

Understand that in the most dynamic companies change is a way of life. In the new fast-paced business climate cycles, the familiar and predictable are replaced by the new and uncomfortable at seemingly random intervals. In order to thrive in the new order, a business must work as quickly as possible to leverage all opportunities presented to it. Your position as an agile leader who is willing to embrace and even initiate change is a strong differentiator in any organization. Become eager for the opportunity to learn new skills and deploy them in ways that make a positive impact on the company… and on your personal brand. 

5. Exercise Your Change Muscles!

When is the last time you did something different - had fun? Remember what got your blood stirring and replicate it. Explore, play, or find a new adventure! Connect with new people through social networks or professional organizations and chat about mutual interests. Create human connections with like-minded others and engage in new experiences that nudge you off your square. Becoming change-friendly is more than a state of mind, it’s a skillset. Nurture and develop it!

Let’s face it, contrary to our FB updates, no one’s life is easy breezy all the time. Make peace with the fact that almost nothing turns out exactly as you thought it would. You can’t anticipate everything. Accept that, and learn to work with it and enjoy the surprises. 

Dr. Theresa Miller


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